If you are using the SINGLE-REGION version of CatalyticFOAM, please cite:
Maestri, M. and Cuoci, A. (2013), “Coupling CFD with detailed microkinetic modeling in heterogeneous catalysis” Chem. Eng. Sci. 96 106-117.
Access the paper here.
If you are using the MULTI-REGION version of CatalyticFOAM, please cite:
Maffei, T. et al. (2016), “A multiregion operator-splitting CFD approach for coupling microkinetic modeling with internal porous transport in heterogeneous catalytic reactors” Chem. Eng. J. 283 1392-1404.
Access the paper here.
If you are using ISAT within CatalyticFOAM, please cite:
Bracconi, M., Maestri, M. and Cuoci, A. (2017), “In situ adaptive tabulation for the CFD simulation of heterogeneous reactors based on operator-splitting algorithm” AIChE J. 63 95–104.
Access the paper here.
If you are using CELL AGGLOMERATION within CatalyticFOAM, please cite:
Rebughini, S. et al. (2017) “Cell agglomeration algorithm for coupling microkinetic modeling and steady-state CFD simulations of catalytic reactors” Comput. Chem. Eng. 97 175-182.
Access the paper here.